College Academics
Established with the aim of ensuring undergraduate level academic rigor, the UCI x GATI Academic Committee is chaired and headed by the Dean of Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) at UCI. ​​
Transferable Academic Credits
GATI Programs, in conjunction with UCI's Division of Undergraduate Education, are U.S. academic credit-bearing research programs for high school students. All research or innovation programs accredited by UCI x GATI are held to the highest standards.
* GATI scholars can receive up to two transferable academic credits if they pass their course.
* Comprehensive scholars can receive up to four(4) transferable academic credits if they pass their course.
All credits and grades are issued by the University of California, Irvine's Division of Continuing Education.
UCI x GATI’s Research Programs offer gifted and talented high school scholars the rare opportunity to engage in undergraduate level research before starting college. In addition to receiving transferable academic credits from the course, students who successfully complete either the regular or comprehensive research tracks have the opportunity to:
Learn from distinguished university faculty;
Work in university research facilities;
Publish research in academic high school journals;
Jumpstart their research career before starting college;
Connect with worldwide gifted and talented scholars; and
Share research interests and passion with the world.

GSET Program (2 Units)
UCI x GATI’s Innovation Programs are offered in collaboration between UCI Division of Continuing Education and the ANTrepreneur Center. The GSET Program provides the rare opportunity to transform their theories and interests into practical application. Possible Innovation outcomes include pitching to experts, fund raising, product launching, patent filing, social experimenting, and founding national organizations.
Independent Research (3 Units*)
The Independent Research Paper Writing Program includes a UC Irvine DCE undergraduate-level writing course.
Complete self-paced lectures, workshops throughout the year;
Write a full-length research paper (i.e. original research, literature review)
Receive feedback from UCI faculty;
Earn a letter grade and 3 transferable academic credits
Improve and showcase your research and writing skills.
We are excited to partner with Polygence to provide this comprehensive research experience.
*All UCI credit is earned in conjunction with UCI Division of Continuing Education.

Academic Quality Control
Credit is issued when course policies and procedures are met, and they include:
For Students
Review of academic interactions and submissions
Grading of presentations and outcomes
Evaluation for mature and professional conduct
Successful course completion
For Faculty
Screening of faculty qualifications and credentials
Review of quality of professorship and/or mentorship
Development and evaluation of pedagogical rubrics

Get a preview of the UCI’s Honors College!
Visit the world’s premier research institute by attending UCIxGATI’s program for high school students.
This immersive experience in the academic, research, and social life of a college student will show you why UCI is trusted to educate, train, and inspire its undergraduate students to make an impact on the world stage.
You will explore the UCI from all angles, including high-quality teaching, team-building social activities, and rigorous yet realistic academic assignments. You will experience the thrill of victory when you overcome the challenges of our summer program and will form life-long connections and friendships with your future classmates.
UCI Honors College
The Campuswide Honors Collegium is a community of motivated learners dedicated to scholastic excellence and personal growth that is supported by the resources of a major research university. The unique opportunities provided by the Campuswide Honors Collegium for students to learn and engage with other talented and motivated students and with faculty in a supportive, learning community help students get the most out of their education and achieve ambitious goals.
Special features of the program include:
A general education curriculum designed especially for honors students and taught by leading faculty
The opportunity to engage in research as an undergraduate, under the mentorship of a member of the faculty, capped by a piece of signature work
Special activities involving faculty, visiting scholars, and community leaders
Personalized one-on-one honors academic advising
Cultural programs and social events with peers
Leadership and service opportunities
Honors theme housing
Four-year eligibility for on-campus housing
Priority class enrollment
Honors notation on the transcript and the diploma
UCI Campuswide Honors Alumni chapter

Why Attend UCI x GATI?
Students are most satisfied with their college selection when they research possible colleges themselves. We urge you to visit your schools of interest, talk with students and faculty members, and determine the best fit for you.
We designed our UCIxGATI Summer Programs to provide you a snapshot of our outstanding academic environment, that prepares our graduates to be leaders in their chosen academic disciplines and to make an impact on the world.
By attending GATI programs, you are also expressing your interest in UCI Honors College. Consider joining us at UCI this summer to confirm your interest.
Choosing College
Choosing a college is one of the most significant decisions you will make as a young adult. It is important to think about what YOU want for YOUR FUTURE because college is your next step to preparing for your life adventure. Your answers to the questions below can inform your college decision:
Which college prepares students to make a positive impact?
Do your top school choices have a reputation for excellence?
Do the other students have similar interests and ambitions?
Which schools have a high post-graduation employment rate?
What is my plan to pay for my education?
If you are reading this, you are already considering the Honors College at UCI, so we also ask you to consider these questions when comparing UCI to your other schools of interest:
Will your education train you to be a leader, so you can make an impact larger than yourself?
Do you want to join a lifelong network of distinguished alumni?